Scale bundle 2: 

Guitartraining thematic addon-bundles:


Scale bundle #2: - 27.95€


Scale bundle #2 consists of the following four add-ons:

Add on #11 - All about arpeggios (major7th arpeggio) 

Another must have for your collection!

In this add-on you´ll find over 88 streaming videos plus a 67 pages interactive pdf-file with notation and TABs. Each exercise is played at a slow and a medium tempo. Included are all sorts of exercises for the major7th arpeggio in all positions, with diagrams, explanations, backing tracks. Tips how to use the major arpeggio over minor7th, dominant7th are included too. 

Here´s a demo video of add-on #11 on youtube: click

Add on #16 - All about the melodic minor scale 

In this add-on you´ll find streaming videos plus backing tracks, demo solos plus a 34 pages pdf-file with notation and TABs. 


1. A little bit of theory

2. basic exercises: fingerings of the melodic minor scale

3. scale practice, exercises for the melodic minor scale up and down the fretboard

4. phrases for the melodic minor scale and combining positions

5. playing the melodic minor scale in thirds

6. licks for playing over Gminor-maj7, F#7#9, Bbmaj7#11, C7#11, Em7b5

7. chord shapes

DEMO on youtube: click

Add on #17 - All about diatonic triads and arpeggios and their use in improvisation 

In this add-on you´ll find 51 streaming videos plus a 28 pages pdf-file with notation and TABs. 


1. A little bit of theory

2. basic exercises: fingerings of the diatonic triads in G major and C major

3. exercises for the triads and arpeggios up and down the fretboard

4. phrases for the triads and upper layers of triads and combining positions

5. ideas for playing over chord progressions

DEMO on youtube: click

Add on #19 - altered dominant7th lines. 

How to play diminished, half tone-whole tone, altered and harmonic major scales in a II-V-I progression

In this add-on you´ll find over 70 lines and streaming videos and exercises plus a 35 pages pdf-file with notation and TABs. 


1. basic exercises: fingerings of the diminished arpeggio, the harmonic minor scale, the wholetone-halftone scale and the halftone-wholetone scale

2. diagrams for all scales, practice tips

3. how to use the diminished arpeggio over dominant7b9 chords or in a m7b5 - V7b9 progression

4. how to use the double diminished scale over dominant7b9 chords or in a m7b5 - V7b9 progression

5. how to use the harmonic minor scale over dominant7b9 chords or in a m7b5 - V7b9 progression

6. lines, licks, patterns…..

DEMO on youtube: click

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