Scale bundle 1: 

Guitartraining thematic addon-bundles:


Scale bundle #1: - 27.95€


Scale bundle #1 consists of the following four add-ons:

Add on #10 - All about pentatonic scales (major pentatonic and inversions)

A must have for your collection!

In this add-on you´ll find over 100 streaming videos plus a 70 pages interactive pdf-file with notation and TABs. Each exercise is played at a slow and a medium tempo. Included are all sorts of scale exercises for the pentatonic scale, with inversions, diagrams, explanations, backing tracks.

Don´t think the pentatonic scale is only for rock guitarists because everybody plays the fourth inversion of the major pentatonic scale (commonly called "minor pentatonic" - which in fact it isn´t ). 

It has lots more to offer and to explore. Kenny Burrell, Grant Green and George Benson used this scale a lot and what they are playing doesn´t sound boring at all…….

DEMO on youtube: click

Add on #15 - All about the dorian scale - Soundslice edition

In this add-on you´ll find videos plus backing tracks in different keys and tempos plus a pdf-file with notation and TABs. 


1. A little bit of theory

2. basic exercises: the dorian scale in triads and up to the fifth

3. fingerings and charts for the dorian scale

4. modal improvisation: the dorian scale over dom7th, half-diminished and lydian chords

5. building modal lines with the dorian scale

6. building longer phrases with chromatic passing tones

7. II-V-I phrases

DEMO on youtube: click

Add on #18 - The mixolydian scale - easy and advanced phrases for playing over Dominant7th chords 

In this add-on you´ll find 49 streaming videos plus a 25 pages pdf-file with notation and TABs. 


1. basic exercises: fingerings of the mixolydian scale

2. diagrams of the mixolydian scale in G7 and D7

3. the mixolydian scale - short and easy phrases

4. the mixolydian scale - longer. lines with variations and different endings

5. the mixolydian scale - advanced phrases using string skipping and inside - outside playing

DEMO on youtube: click

Add on #20 - The major scale: effective and creative scale practice.

In this add-on you´ll find more than 80 exercises plus a 40 pages pdf-file with notation and TABs and streaming videos. 


1. basic exercises: fingerings of the major scale over one and two octaves

2. diagrams for the major scale and its modes dorian and mixolydian, practicing tips

3. how to embellish the scale 

4. sequencing through all the modes

5. horizontal patterns

6. demonstration on how to improvise with only the major scale

DEMO on youtube: click

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